A man in a hurry

Sir Keir Starmer is a man in a hurry, as he sets upon his task. He seems to know that he needs to get things done quickly, or otherwise his government may crumble under its own weight. That's what super-majorities such as these do - they allow the hangover to spoil the work-day. Britain is in decline and another decade later, when the rest of the world has fixed its financial infrastructure and the Americans have finally gone home, no one will care about this little isle. This last opportunity to reverse that fate lies with this government.

Supermajorities do another thing. For example, I shall now be voting Green, as I would feel no longer threatened that my vote can give a little filip to people like Sunak. And so will do millions of others next time, as thousand parties may bloom in the aftermath. Labour's big win is obscuring the other stories - the growth of Greens - and the Reform party is being seen as a breakaway faction of the Conservatives, and not as the up-and-coming fascists as they are. 

There is a lot to be hopeful about the new Britain. Magically, as this government is elected, the elevator in my local library, long defunct, started working. The whole place, my little refuge from the world, feels normal again. Pure coincidence, I know, but it seemed symbolic.

Such hopes are fragile though. I hope the new government doesn't squander it, again.





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