
Showing posts from December, 2024

Monsoonami 4

Dear me Is this the slow march to the end of the world?  Joe Biden, the forgettable 46th, was right when he said that whatever happens in the next 2 to 3 years may shape the next 50 to 60 years. He may have meant different things, including the coming of Agentic AI, the convergence of biotech with it, ascendancy of Trump, the reconfiguration of geopolitics or a final destruction of the global monetary system of the post-war variety! Perhaps all of it, all at once!  History is usually invisible, buried deep in everyday life. Until such moments when we completely forget about it and our 'death instincts' get better of us, we don't get it to see it. But we see it then, in its terrible flourish! The only metaphor that I can think of is of a flash flood, which turns a gentle and friendly stream into a sudden death trap, carrying all before it, but then the force vanishes and the tranquility returns as if nothing ever happened. Those who know of such terrible possibilities live i...

Monsoonami 3

Dear M Bitter cold - Arctic freeze has arrived in Britain! While Toronto is warmer, I am told. I would love to think that this is caused by climate change, but this is perhaps no such thing, just an English winter as it should be. This cold is, therefore, raising my hopes for a white Christmas. The last Christmas snowfall I remember was in 2010. That was a special Christmas season for me, which started with me getting pickpocketed in Covent Garden and ended with my brother passing away on the 3rd January! This also included a very special Christmas evening to remember forever. Yet it is the snow that came to my mind, first! This cold and the customary darkness are making me feel lazy too. I didn't do much today and fell asleep in the evening, which is unusual. It has been one of those years that tested me, and I can't wait for it to get over. And yet this psychology of imaginary ends and beginnings - what would really get over -  fascinates me. Why wait for the end of the year?...

Monsoonami 2

Dear M Do you believe in dragons?  I know many people who doesn't. Because they are grown-ups, and it is not fashionable for grown-ups to think about dragons. But I would like to believe that they are real. At least as real as the things we believe in. For that matter, we call investors dragons in some countries - in Britain, start-ups go to the Dragons' Den - while the other countries have Sharks (India) or Tigers (Bangladesh) for that. The investors changing the world for better as real a story as my having a dragon which can fly me from one country to another, coming to my rescue when bad guys really corner me. You would say that is literally not possible. I would say - cliché but true - that literal is a metaphor. Language creates the world we live in, in our minds: That indeed the only world which matters to us, the only one we can ever know. In reality, there could be other worlds - one where dragons fly around, for example - but we live in our own literal bubbles, where ...

Monsoonami 1

Dear Me, I write because there is nothing else I can do. Someone said that before, but I am not quoting - I am speaking for myself. I write not because I have something special to say. But I feel that I am inside an endless stream of words and ideas, and I live to explore them. Through me, then, they find expression. Perhaps that is imprecise and I don't have the right language to say what really happens. What I want to say - the Word exists. With or without me, it exists. I write them not because I want to, but they find me to become. So, I see writing not as a craft. Rather, I surrender to writing. I realised this when I started writing poetry. I wrote it once, when I was young and in love. I don't remember how I wrote it then. But much later in life, when another moment came, I wrote not to impress anyone, but because I couldn't do anything else. It was not to tell anything to anyone, but just to surrender myself to the feelings which took hold of me.  Reading those poem...

Writing the Monsoonami letters

It is almost over and it is starting.  I am finishing 2024 wiser. This has been one of those pivotal years of my life, comparable only to 1993 when I started working or 2004 when I migrated to the UK and started my life again. In the sense that those two years taught me a lot and made me a different person: 2024 did that too. I am also wiser because my optimism is tempered. I have finally gotten rid of my youthful assumption that it is possible to change people or systems (in other words, I have now, finally, become old). I am not cynical - at least not yet - but far more conservative than I was. I know things change only very slowly, and only organically, and forcing the change, however desireable, is beyond the powers of human beings. We seem to think that we are at the centre of the universe, and therefore the changes are really brought about human action. I can wake up one morning and command the Sun to rise, and when it rises, can claim my supernatural powers, but ...

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