The Inevitability of Almost Everything

I am in a rather foul mood. Well, yes, disappointed is the word. Not angry, anger isn't something I am good at. Sad - a bit perhaps - but sadness is tragic, and I am not feeling tragic at this time. It is the sheer overwhelmedness, frustration of living statically, and inability to dream that's getting me. I must admit - this is only cyclical and I get these feelings often, though I don't know when this is going to go away.

Easter is anyway a depressing time. A holiday in the middle of nothing - and I had to work and travel most of it anyway. It is an early Easter too - Easter was this early last time in 1913 and won't be till 2160. The weather god blessed London with some snowflakes too - but while I was gearing up for the possibility of an white easter and lecturing someone on Climate Change, the snow melted. March mid-day in London was too much for this, I suppose.

The annoying thing is that I am travelling again next week. In fact, next week sounds distant and comfortable, but it is actually next Wednesday. Just a few days, and then I shall go zigzag again - in cramped airline seats and uncomfortable airport lounges - across India and Bangladesh. I know I wanted this life - but I guess I got older now, and wiser too.

The other thing is this nagging worry about the recession that seems to be around the corner. Well, it seems to be coming, but not there yet. The feds are cutting Interest rates, that's possibly the only thing the post-Friedman era economists have learnt, and now come down to 2.25%. With inflation rearing its head, they are against the wall, literally. There are two major bank rescues in last six months - Northern Rock in Britain, and Bear Sterns in the States - and everything seems to be on the edge, a bit. To top this, British banks are now talking to the Bank of England to guarantee savers' deposits / to guarantee to rescue them if they are caught in mortgage trouble. That does not do anyone's confidence any good!

However, depression of this kind is a good thing, some times. It allows me to lose my sense of euphoria and be more realistic with my life. Regain the sense of perspective and refocus on my priorities a bit. Sit down with coffee, and ask myself where I am going. The travel suddenly appears to be an wonderful opportunity to rethink and rejig - irritable seatmates notwithstanding - and time in India, a god-sent window to reassess what I am doing and how to go forward. I don't need to think about recession, I had to tell myself, because I can do little about it. It is good to know that there is a possibility, and a quick rethink of my personal and work strategy to suit the new realities will not do anyone any harm. Never mind the weather!


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