My life is changing

I could not write the blog as often as I wished to in the last few months. This blog, Sunday Posts, was supposed to be about thoughts and ideas, and I suppose the hard, practical facet of life took precedence during this period. I was having a thinking holiday, which was refreshing, but one I can not afford for much longer.

My life is set to change now. I am taking over as the Overseas Development Director for a training and recruitment company this Friday, and will be straight onto the airport thereafter. This inevitably means even more pressured thinking and lot less time to write a blog.

I could have let the blog die. I did seriously consider that, and pledged to return to blog writing when I would have restored sanity and comfort in my life again. But, then, I had this flash of insight – first in many days – such a thing will never happen.

I realised that it is a much better idea to turn this blog into a daily diary, trivial in the context of my lofty goals, but alive. I realised my thoughts will now be hidden in the life I live, and new possibilities will arise and die everyday. So, be it – a daily diary in Sunday Posts, I shall retain the name for my vanity, where I shall write about my travels, my learning, my failings, my vanity and my life. This is thought harvesting, I paused o think, I shall be able to think because I live, and there is no better tutor in thinking than those harsh, trivial realities of life which reign supreme at times like this.


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